0466 491 945

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Home Loan Variable: 5.99% (6.01%*) • Home Loan Fixed: 5.74% (6.33%*) • Fixed: 5.74% (6.33%*) • Variable: 5.99% (6.01%*) • Investment IO: 5.94% (6.53%*) • Investment PI: 5.94% (6.53%*)

Frequently Asked Questions [ Blog ]

The frequently asked questions listed here are listed on the appropriate information pages on this website. However, feel free to browse the archive for information that may relate to your circumstances.

Home Loans (General)

Self-Managed Super Fund Loans

Self-Managed Super Funds are often used by investors as a means to take control over their superannuation for the purpose

Couple at Home
First Home Buyers

What is Genuine Savings?

The term Genuine Savings refers to the funds that you have saved genuinely and gradually over time, usually between three

Types of Home Loans

Co-Ownership Investment Loans

Property prices in Australia are high – particularly in capital cities. While entry to the property market is generally within

Loungeroom Stairs
Home Loan Types

What are Bridging Loans?

Selling your existing home and buying a new home simultaneously can be a little difficult in that the sale of